What’s In Store for Artistic Alchemy, the TEACHERS!


Well, 2022 has arrived. We are long overdo in telling you what is going on with Artistic Alchemy.

Oh, the beauty of Lake Tahoe, Nevada side (this is near Sand Harbor looking toward Tahoe City on the North shore).

We had such high hopes for another successful retreat this past September, 2021. Here we are in the middle of August 2021, from the left, Sandra, Jane, and Heidi getting things ready for the retreat. Sandra’s gorgeous quilt makes for a fabulous backdrop.

We are in Sandra’s quilting studio, worker bees, sorting, planning for the big week we had planned.

Of course, we had swag to get ready. The piles filled every nook and cranny of Sandra’s studio.

And then there were the fires. Four of them near us. I’m not going into details here but you can look them up: 1. Dixie, Lake Almanor, CA 2. River, Colfax, CA 3. Grass Valley, CA 4. Caldor, CA & Nevada.

The 4th fire, Caldor, was the one that sunk our retreat for 2021.

Beautiful, tranquil waters, of Lake Tahoe (from Cabin 8 of Zephyr Point Conference Center) of which we were so hoping to have for our retreat.

It also appears that we are s-l-o-w-l-y moving toward the sunset for our Artistic Alchemy Blog (it will end this December 2022). We all hope to post here on this site, now and then to keep you updated on what each of us are doing. So here we go, first up it’s Heidi Emmett here to tell you what’s going on with me.

First, I’m working on a new “Art to Wear” pattern. All my patterns can be found at my Etsy shop: DesignsbyHeidiEmmett

I love to explore new and different techniques, first in small quilts, to see if my ideas are viable then it’s on to a garment or a tote bag.

I’m also working on “Short and Sweet” Art to Wear classes. Techniques and actual garments will be explored. I have so MANY ideas going round and round…My classes will be available on my Etsy site.

Also, you can follow me on Pinterest: DesignsbyHeidiEmmett and Instagram: DesignsbyHeidiEmmett.

Whisper Blouse, one of my Art to Wear sewing patterns. And PLEASE visit my PERSONAL BLOG, DesignsbyHeidi.wordpress.com I post weekly (every Friday afternoon). Each post is filled with creative, inspirational, “stuff.” It ranges from clothing (of course) to upcycling, quilting garments, piecing quilts, and everything in between.

This is my FAVORITE picture of the happy trio, from the left, Heidi, Jane, and Sandra. We had a GREAT run with our Artistic Alchemy Retreat. For almost a decade, each September we had a wonderful retreat on the shores of beautiful Lake Tahoe, Zephyr Point. So many of you were able to join us over the years. We thank you so much for being a part of Artistic Alchemy, the retreat. Heidi, Jane, and Sandra plan to keep the creativity alive and well, but each in our own way.

My motto is: “Make it Up, Make it Fun, and GET IT DONE.” Hugs, Heidi

P.S. If you want to see us one more time, we will have a booth at the Pine Tree Quilt Guilds, annual, “SPRINGTIME IN THE PINES” quilt show. It will be Saturday, April 30th and Sunday, May 1st at the Nevada County Fairgrounds (the prettiest in the state of CA) in Grass Valley, CA. We will be selling our patterns, samples, kits, polymer jewelry, etc. See you there!

It’s Almost Time to Start Packing!


As you make up your lists of what to bring to Zephyr Point for the Artistic Alchemy Retreat, one of the MAIN things will be your “CHILL” factor. We ALL have endured and dealt with many, many things over the past year or so. When I get on the road and leave my home for a trip of any kind I do these two things: I pray for travel “mercies” and then I open two windows all the way. I pull my issues, whatever they are, off of one shoulder and then the other and throw them OUT the window! Yell whatever you like to them as they fly past you and are OUT of your life!

So that out of the way, LET THE ADVENTURES BEGIN!

Awww… this is a chillin’ picture. I know it’s older by a few years (there’s snow on the mountain tops) but a good focus picture none the less.

Whether you are in a Workshop or Open Studio, don’t forget to bring a little project that needs finishing.

I brought this small one (small equals faster finishing and feeling GOOD ’cause you finished something!). a few seasons back. I had drawn a blank as to where to go in this project next. I threw some random stuff into my sewing bag that might work.

I like what I came up with in some quiet moments. Just the feel of fabric, needle and thread in my hand, and “stuff” to work with awww…I”m in my Happy Place. Please notice my paper clip flower petals (yes, from Staples that I reshaped.).

No words needed.

Maybe you will see a fabulous sunset view just like this when you are here at the Artistic Alchemy Retreat coming Sept. 6th-10th.

Time to start thinking about what you are bringing. Don’t forget to bring some Show and Tell! See you soon. Hugs, Heidi

Look at This! Stencil Sensations Coming to Tahoe!

by HEIDI EMMETT Welcome everyone! Before I get started on my stencil segment, a little housekeeping. If you haven’t made your final payment for the Artistic Alchemy Retreat 2021, we need it ASAP. Thank you. Contact your teacher if you have any questions.

I was just at Lake Tahoe. It’s down about 3 1/2 ft. and affords amazing view of rocks.

Patty Park will be at Our Artistic Alchemy Retreat in September (Open Studio), and something new–bringing stencils with her.  Patty has been lamenting about the restrictive nature of commercial stencils for years. After some research, she purchased a Scan and Cut CM350 by Brother in 2018, and hasn’t looked back.  With the ScanNCut, stencils can be created, modified, re-sized and cut from any size up to 12″ X 24”.  Patty searched out Vendors from far and wide. India, Japan, New York, and Uzbekistan to name a few. With commercial-use permission, Patty is able to re-work, re-size almost any design for the perfect stencil for clothing and home decor.  There will be samples on display and a hands-on demo.  These designs are ALL LIMITED STOCK right now. Patty has binders filled with great stencils in various sizes for you to choose.  Everything from Contemporary to Art Deco, Asian, Word Fonts, Abstract Shapes, and beyond. Let’s take a look at some of them.  

These are the “masks” from the stencil below. Isn’t that cool! AND they are both included in the stencil package. I don’t know of any stencils available today that include masks.

Patty said “home decor.” Oh my gosh, How about pillows, edges on drapes, orrr…. a border on a linen tablecloth. In the corner of a linen dinner napkin. Acckkk…so MANY ideas…!

I’ve started some projects using Patty’s stencils. Calling this “Bubbles.” It is a prototype made with orange card stock.

Bring some of your favorite “paints and supplies” to the retreat and fabric too, so you can try out your newly purchased stencils.

After a little embroidery/hand quilting, I’m turning my “Bubbles” into a Sparky Top (one of my “Art to Wear patterns”).

Sparky Top “Art to Wear” sewing pattern will be available in my “store” at the Artistic Alchemy retreat.

Getting started using one of Patty’s custom made stencils. I’m layering the color on with Paintsticks. I am really enjoying using Paintsticks as the designs created with them remain soft and pliable (they almost look printed).

Enjoying some “slow stitching” out on the deck of our cabin at Zephyr Point. Turning this piece into a tote bag. I will bring it to the retreat.

Enjoy one of my latest sunset shots. Taken from the deck of Cabin 8, Zephyr Point, Lake Tahoe, Nevada. June 20, 2021, 8:25p.m.

Can’t wait to see you all September 6-10th, for our Artistic Alchemy Retreat, 2021. Hugs, Heidi

Artistic Alchemy 2021- Here’s Something You Won’t Want to Miss!

by Heidi Emmett

If you have considered coming to one of our retreats before, but delayed for one reason or another, thinking one day you would, THIS IS THE YEAR!

From the left Heidi Emmett, Jane Haworth, and Sandra Bruce.

If you have had a desire to take a workshop from Jane Haworth or Sandra Bruce, THIS IS THE YEAR TO DO IT! 2021 will be the last time Jane and Sandra’s “in person” workshops will be available through the Artistic Alchemy Retreat. Heidi Emmett is at the retreat as acting liaison for the whole retreat as well as being in Open Studio.

Both Jane and Sandra are teachers in demand; don’t miss this opportunity to have one-on-one attention and guidance from these two pros.

For more information on pricing of workshops which include all food and lodging, go to the registration page (on the home page).

This year marks our 7th year of Artistic Alchemy Retreats with workshops. Many wonderful memories have been created along the way. What’s better than time spent with amazing creative people and of course all the new friends we have made on this journey. We are making all efforts and planning for this retreat to be as good or better than previous ones. From short evening programs, to giveaways, show and tell, and “break out sessions”, we aim to please.

Ladies, this doesn’t mean that Artistic Alchemy Retreats are ending, just the “in person” workshops. We are already pondering ideas for 2022.  If given the opportunity for a 2022 Open Studio Artistic Alchemy Retreat, would you want to attend?

Here are a few pictures of Jane’s workshop.

Jane Haworth has a fresh approach to teaching fabric collage to create fabulous pet or animal portraits.
Start with your favorite picture of your pet. Awww…that’s a good dog.
Jane offers some very fun ways of “mark making.” Check out her complete workshop description on the home page under workshops Jane Haworth.

Open Studio is another choice. Read on.

Linda is one of THEE MOST productive people in Open Studio that I have ever seen. We still have spaces left. I, Heidi Emmett, will be your facilitator for your Open Studio experience should you choose that.
This is a great time to work on whatever you want to. Sew, and sew some more. Take a walk. Do your own yoga on the dock and of course, MORE sewing. Make new friends all with sewing creativity galore. Whether you want to sew “Art to Wear”, Quilts, hand stitching,or jewelry making, it’s all up to you. Everyone will have a six foot table of their own to use and plenty of irons and ironing boards are available.

Sandra Bruce teaches Material Matrix. Check out some of her students work from past Artistic Alchemy Retreats.

A Material Matrix quilt, “Josaphine”, by student France Courteau.

This student is showing great progress. Check out Sandra’s workshop particulars. On the home page, open the drop down menu labeled, “Workshops.”
Another of Sandra’s students transferring details for fabric placement.

For pricing on the workshops, which include all food and lodging, go to the registration page.


To the right in the picture are 3 stories of rooms reserved for the Artistic Alchemy Retreat. And it’s just steps to the outside lawn, and to the conference rooms where we hold the workshops, the dining room (Zephyr hired a NEW chef) and the shore of Lake Tahoe. You will never find a more reasonably priced venue than Zephyr Point anywhere else on Lake Tahoe.
There are always special goodies to purchase.

Don’t miss a single sunset this year, September 6-10th.

There are still a few spaces left in Jane and Sandra’s workshops and Open Studio. So don’t delay- SIGN UP NOW! Make this year, 2021, YOUR YEAR to get away, relax, learn something new, enjoy the views, and be with friends, in person. Any questions you might have, don’t hesitate to email any of us: Sandra Bruce, sandrabruce@pacbell.net, Jane Haworth, janehhaworth@gmail.com, Heidi Emmett, hmemmett@gmail.com. Let’s all get CREATIVE at Lake Tahoe this year!

Kaffe and Kaffe and MORE Kaffe Fassett!


Welcome to my blog post this week. Our Fantastic Artistic Alchemy retreat is still many months away and because of that, time is on our side for a “BEST EVER” event at Zephyr.

HUGE news up at the Zephyr Conference Center is the arrival of Chef Aaron! Laura(head of conferences) told me that their very first group for the 2021 season has had a fabulous week at Zephyr and go home today, April 16th. Two of the BEST things for this group was A. They actually all met and had a super time (a very large quilting group by the way) and B. Chef Aaron fixed fabulous food. Healthful and quality choices all around. Whoo hoo! I put in a word for all of us from our past experiences with the food that Chef Aaron is a very welcome addition.

Moving forward, lets all spend some time with Kaffe Fassett. Read on. And SIGN UP TODAY! And tell your friends too.

To sign up go to this link.

I “upcycled” this Coach bag 5 years ago. It had sad looking split leather on the bottom so I covered it with Kaffe fabric.
Using my Whisper Blouse pattern, I used ALL Kaffe striped fabrics for this one.
The back piece is a double needled topstitched Kaffe stripe with little squares attached here and there.
Here is the pattern cover for Whisper Blouse. Please visit my Etsy shop to see more of my Art to Wear patterns. My moniker for Etsy is: DesignsbyHeidiEmmett/sewing patterns
And there I am with the man himself. Yes, I was a “groupie” wearing his fabric. I loved what he said to me. He signed my book, looked up and said, “My someone really likes my stripes.”
I could never wear this apron when it was finished. I don’t know why. Maybe a little over the top with the flower and all. So I sold it. Someone was very happy to purchase it I was told(I sold it at our local quilt show). Another Kaffe groupie perhaps.
A close up of the double needled Kaffe fabric and a cute little “Mini” Tuffett pincushion all in Kaffe stripes. It has adorable glass feet aka small drawer pulls.
A portion of my Kaffe (WOW I really have a love of his stripes don’t I) “Rods and Reels” pillow.
I made these pillows as a project for the now defunct “Stitches” magazine. The jean pocket is the back of the pillow.
Getting ready to make some fiber jewelry with this Kaffe fabric that’s called “Shirtings.”

I will be planting my vegetable garden this weekend. This is the first time EVER that I am planting before Mother’s Day. The weather has been mighty fine of late, perfect for digging in the dirt. The creative project above will be on pause until I get the veggies and the flowers all planted. Until next time, Hugs, Heidi

So What Are We Thinking Regarding, “Break out Sessions?”


Hello everyone. While I am taking a break from teaching a “workshop” this upcoming Artistic Alchemy Retreat, I really want to teach techniques in “breakout sessions” during the evenings. Here are some of our thoughts on them so far:

It looks like Jane will teach one (she’ll talk about it at some point), Sandra said not this year, and Heidi, possibly one a night starting Tuesday evening.

  1. We have decided they will be about 1-1 1/2 hours long.
  2. They will be hand work only (maybe some stitching by machine that can be done later).
  3. Each session will come with a (mostly) complete kit to work with.
  4. Basic sewing supplies as in, scissors, pins, thimble, etc. you would bring to the session.
  5. 10 kits for each session more than likely, a more doable size of class for all concerned.
  6. Bring your favorite refreshment and sit, sip, and stitch!
  7. Pricing/signups, all the little details will be posted probably in June maybe even July.
  8. The following pictures are IDEAS that I am THINKING ABOUT. That’s all. Just IDEAS.
You can most certainly bring your latest knitting or crocheting project to do on your own time. I think this lady and/or gentleman got a little carried away with their project.Ha, ha. It’s really the cutest picture and I had to include it (found it on pinterest).
Let’s make a really unique scarf?
Fiber jewelry maybe.
More fiber jewelry.
Fiber jewelry with a mixture of WHAT??? Rubber tire innertubes.
Ribbon yarn, ya gotta love it for fiber jewelry.
Hmmm…Fiber jewelry with beads, wire, and ribbon yarn.
This is a possibility, but wait those are machine stitched. Keeping it as a possible, thinking, I’m thinking.
This is a possibility from my book. My book is called “Fashion Quilted Accessories” Hmmm…again, there is that machine stitching.
Orrr….I can show you what I do with tiny fabric pieces. This one could really work!
The colors are so vibrant in this picture, I just had to include it. These are all Kaffe Fassett stripes. Hmmm…I could include a piece of double needle stitched fabric in the kit and do some handwork on the little squares to hold in place. Thinking, thinking……
I have a really super technique to create these fabric twisted pieces. These are bracelets.

Do you see my dilemma? Soooo MANY IDEAS. In the coming few months I will be testing them all out and others too. My motto in picking them out is: “Make it up, make it fun, and get it done! Hugs, Heidi


by Heidi Emmett

Welcome everyone! First a quick update on Artistic Alchemy Retreat, September 6-10th, 2021. We are on track to have our retreat as scheduled. Wont it be so fabulous to see each other IN PERSON! So a reminder that we “GO LIVE” on February 5th where you will get all the latest, greatest information on what’s coming for ARTISTIC ALCHEMY RETREAT 2021!

In the meantime, this is my week to chat about Designs by Heidi and what I’m up to.

Some New Zephyr Jackets and I want to Show Them Off!


Hello everyone. It has been a quiet teaching time these past months and months (as it has been for all of us in the teaching world) But many, Jane being the first of our group have been quietly creating a new niche market for themselves. Everything ONLINE! Classes, lectures, etc. Sandra has just finished creating her class too. Go to CourseCraft.com to see Jane and Sandra’s classes that are available NOW! Mine is started but you wont see the finished product until the first of the new year.

A quick word about Artistic Alchemy 2021. We on track for our Retreat at Lake Tahoe for September 6-10th, 2021. I have been in touch with Zephyr Point Conference Center and they want to be completely up and running in April, 2021. We will keep the faith.

As you know, I am the “Art to Wear” instructor for Artistic Alchemy. I want to get right to it this week. My Zephyr Jacket “Art to Wear” sewing pattern is the perfect topper for where YOU live.

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I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! my newest Zephyr Jacket. I finally got with the program and have pulled out my “Kantha” cloth. It was time to cut them up. This was an inexpensive “printed” not pieced, bed topper.
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A close up of a section of this “kantha” cloth. Kantha cloth is usually made in India. Know in advance that it is made of thinner cottons, two pieces and then hand stitched together with a thicker cotton thread (short staple cotton that shreds).
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This is the back side of this particular Kantha cloth. It is a solid black.
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I like the wool (yes, I mix cotton and wool often) flat trim on the shoulders with a small piping that I added on either side of the plain wool trim.
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I added pockets on this Zephyr Jacket. you can barely see them as the fabric is a little busy.
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A better view of what the Kantha cloth looks like. Whoops, uhh…my pocket is NOT straight. I looked at it and asked myself if it would be worth taking it apart and re-make it. Nope. It would take too much time and I put it on the jacket and voila’ it blends right in. Crisis averted.
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I wanted BIG pockets! To make these I put the Kantha and a lining right sides together, stitched all the way around leaving about a 2″ opening. Turn inside out, stitched opening closed and topstitched onto the jacket.
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My Zephyr Jacket pattern. Contact me at my email: hmemmett@gmail.com and hear about purchasing directly from me. ORRR….go to my Etsy shop and see all “Art To Wear” patterns. Etsy shop name: DesignsbyHeidiEmmett
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Purchase my patterns from me by contacting me at hmemmett@gmail.com OR from my Etsy shop: DesignsbyHeidiEmmett
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Zephyr Jacket can be layered (like a Bell sleeved sweater underneath), or made in a heavier weight fabric for added warmth. Yep, an older picture with me in braces! Glad I did it, but EXTRA GLAD it’s over. Ha, ha.
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I like how it flutters to a longer length in back. This is the jacket pictured on the pattern back (that picture is really soft in color). The main body is a Kaffe Fassett fabric called “Turkish Delight.” They just brought it back and in some new colorways. Check your local quilt shop. The front pieces are made from a silk piece (o.k., o.k., I found a brand new pair of silk pants at the Thrift shop).
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The quilting cotton weight is perfect for warmer days and evenings.
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Shoulder work on the Kaffe Zephyr Jacket. I explain it all in the instruction section.
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The body of this Zephyr Jacket is a heavier cotton/linen blend. An unusual netted “scuba fabric” was placed over the top of a turquoise green cotton and treated as one piece of fabric.
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I added length to this Zephyr Jacket by splitting the tissue pattern pieces across horizontally and added the same amount on each piece.
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Check out all the stitching I did on the back (and some on the front too). I used orange quilting thread. It is a running stitch BUT I cheated! I used my Sashiko machine. More about it below.
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The Sashiko Machine is a very COOL TOOL! It is made by Baby Lock. It makes the BEST “Shashiko” stitch (running stitch that looks hand done) and you can use different weights of thread. Sadly, it is a big and bulky machine (weighs close to 35 pounds).On the left side I added little tied pieces of floss on top of the scuba netting.
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The body of this Zephyr Jacket is another Kaffe Fassett fabric. I like how the fronts fold back just a little to reveal a different parasol fabric.
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I mixed silk and cotton and a rayon (the black background parasols) for a unique late summer top The solid aqua green silk came from a silk skirt . On the upper postion of the Zephyr jacket front I have a dragonfly pin.
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This dragonfly pin was a really fun find. I tried and tried to find a company name for you all but to no avail. My pin landed on a beautiful hand embroidered fiber/bead necklace. This necklace was my very first purchase on Etsy some 10 years ago from a shop in Australia. I’d give you her shop name in a flash but she took it down. Sooo sad.
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I leave you with this quote. Let’s all follow it. Hugs and much creative energy to you, Heidi



Some of you may know that my husband, Robert, and I volunteer for one week during the summer at the Zephyr Point gift shop. I run the retail side and Robert is the Frozen Yogurt King! Going up and staying at Zephyr Point during the summer ALWAYS gets me excited about our up coming Artistic Alchemy Retreat. This year, sadly, was quite different.

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A picture from the deck of the gift shop. Now you can see why we want to “volunteer” to work in the gift shop. We sleep down below. So we have the same view from our private deck.

The gift shop is the top floor. Our sleeping area is the lower deck, it’s a studio apt. There are no volunteers this year. But, we were able to come and pay to stay in this very studio apt. from June 19th-26th. It was a REAL VACATION! Haven’t had a total week off in 3 yrs.It was an amazing but oh so different time.
This would have been our 9th year of volunteering during the summer. And of course summer is Zephyr Point’s busiest time.I started my first day there this year by walking around the grounds. The view above is of Tallac Mountain at over 9,000ft. Can you see the cross outline of snow near the top of the Mtn.?
On the walk from from our cabin to Tallac Center and the Dining room. The Dining room is closed this year. Only the cabins are open. They rent out approx. 40 cabins on site.
This is the back of Cabin # 8. It’s the only cabin on the property with the cute, carved shutters. The level you are looking at is the gift shop. Cabin #8 (the studio we stayed in) is now available to rent for the summer months only. There is no insulation.
This is cabin # 28. It is the newly revamped coffee shop on the grounds. Closed for the summer. Miss sitting out on the deck and looking at the “Peek a Boo” view of the lake, watching the birds, chipmunks, people watching, all this while sipping a cuppa.
Wandering around the beautiful grounds of the “hotel” type sleeping rooms of Tallac center. These are rooms Artistic Alchemy retreat students covet. The “Lakeside” rooms! All closed up. This is such a surreal summer.
Above and to the left is Inspiration Point. It is a two story, soaring,open and light filled conference room that is used during the Artistic Alchemy retreat. And 3 stories of more sleeping rooms of which Artistic Alchemy uses all of them. It is so eerily silent.
Go through that archway (Portal of Prayer) and step down a few steps and look at the most amazing view! A prayer of thanksgiving for this amazing place is in order too.
Look how close these rooms are to the lake itself! The views from the sleeping rooms alone are worth the price of admission to our Artistic Alchemy retreat.
Full on view of Inspiration Point. You could be here but sadly, not until September of 2021. What an “Inspiration” Inspiration Point is right now, shhh….it’s SO QUIET! Listen to the sounds of nature and the occasional boat going by.
Total relaxation in my “upcycled” tunic (by The Upcycled Closet via Etsy) and doing some hand work.

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Oh my goodness! Can it be, Heidi working on cutting out a quilt!
Simple running stitches on a piece and contemplating adding a butterfly from scraps. Both of these are home decorating fabric scrap pieces.
My dear friend Linda made me a zippered bag (it is holding all my threads,needles, and beads that I’m working with) that has the cutest panels on it. Yep, this is me.
Or maybe this is me! For the record, I owned a pair of candy striped “cat eyed” glasses in 4th grade.I found out later (my brother married the girl next door) that my sister-in-law was very jealous of my cool glasses and wished she wore glasses. Seriously?! My hair has never been green, but during all that’s going on, I just might dye it that color to hide my dark roots.

I leave you with this inspirational picture.I took it from the deck of our cabin. I spoke with the woman who is SWIMMING! (water temp. 40-46 degrees all year round. Yowzaa!) A family member always followed her. We were at Zephyr Point the same amount of days and without fail, she swam each and every morning. She told me she wanted to push herself EVEN on the mornings she didn’t feel like it. And she always felt so good and so glad when she DID IT.

How about us? During this time in 2020 are we pushing ourselves to do things we maybe have never tried? Or started something and let it slide because we “didn’t feel like it anymore?” I most certainly include myself in this. So let’s all pick something (make a small list, not too long or we’ll be overwhelmed) and let’s “JUST DO IT.”

Blessings and hugs, Heidi

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